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How To Effectively Study: 4 Tips to Master Studying

The use of proper study habits is one of the most vital pillars of success in nearly every academic scenario. While most students choose to use their own methods of studying for quizzes, tests, and other assessments of knowledge, there are many important tips and tricks that have been proven to maximize the productivity of any studying method. The following showcases a few of those tips and tricks, as well as how and when to use them.

Tip #1: NEVER Cram

The idea that cramming your head with knowledge will help you in tests has been spread throughout the years, but time after time, it has been proven to present an overall negative outcome. The problem with cramming is that you are forcing your brain to absorb a massive influx of information over a short period of time, resulting in failure to process and retain much of the information. It also seriously raises stress levels, making you more susceptible to distractions.

Want to learn more about the negative impacts that cramming for tests can bring?

Tip #2: Stay OFF of Electronics

While some people choose to take electronic notes or use their devices to play music while studying, the use of laptops, phones, and other electronic devices can seriously hinder studying success. First of all, the use of all electronic devices makes all people, especially teenagers, so much more susceptible to distractions. I get it, you would much rather be scrolling through Instagram and TikTok than studying for that chemistry test, but trust me, in the long run, you will be happy that you made the decision to turn off that phone, close down the laptop, and focus on preparing yourself for more important things.

To find more information about how to overcome distractions from electronic devices, read this blog page:

Tip #3: Create A Study Environment That Works For YOU

Look. Every website or blog will tell you the best environment to study in. Sitting upright in a chair, working on a desk, in a room with no distractions and no background noise. But I’m going to be honest with you. Everybody is different, and all people work better in different environments. If you’re somebody who likes white noise, go on YouTube and play some through your phone speaker(just keep that screen off!). If you would rather lay on your bed with your notebook, do that. A study conducted by LSU proved this, explaining that to find success, you must do what works for YOU, not what others tell you to do. After all, you know yourself better than them, don’t you?

Want to create the perfect study environment for your own needs? Read this article written by the Colorado Christian University:

Tip #4: Study Before Bed

This probably isn’t the first time you have heard this, but studying before bed can seriously help your brain remember the information that you need it to. When you finish studying, lay down on your pillow, and fall asleep, it gives your brain so much more time to process the information and retain it so that you are prepared for your test, quiz, or other assessment. In fact, I would recommend that you get all ready for bed before taking out your notebook or textbook. That way, when you feel tired, you can put your studying materials down, and allow your brain to recharge and process all of the information that you just took in. Just remember, it’s important to study multiple times(they say that it takes 42 times to memorize something), so don’t study for the first time the night before, just know that when scheduling times to study, before bed will often yield the best results. This was proven by a study conducted by the Psychological Science magazine, in which 3 different groups were tasked with studying 16 different words and their meanings in the Swahili language. One group studied before bed, one studied in the morning, and one, the control group, studied mid-day. The group who studied before bed did substantially better when they were tested on the 16 words the next day, proving that studying before bed helps you remember.

To learn more about these studies and why studying before bed is best, check out this article written by the Chronobiology website:

is one of the most vital pillars of success in nearly every academic scenario. While most students choose to use their own methods of studying for quizzes, tests, and other assessments of knowledge, there are many important tips and tricks that have been proven to maximize the productivity of any studying method. The following showcases a few of those tips and tricks, as well as how and when to use them.

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